
Lose Your Double Chin with Kybella!

Castle Rock, Kybella - Image

An age-old trouble spot, the double chin has and continues to plague many of our patients. Understanding the frustration that a fuller chin and neck can present, we are thrilled to announce that we now perform Kybella at the Center for Plastic Surgery at Castle Rock.

A revolutionary fat dissolving injectable, Kybella targets submental (below the chin) fullness. With Kybella, a toned and tightened chin and jawline can be yours.

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3 Minimally Invasive Treatments to Celebrate May (& Mothers!)


As a mother, busy days and hectic schedules quickly become the norm. Hoping to rejuvenate a tired appearance proves to be challenging. Not only is it difficult to take time for yourself, but a long and lengthy recovery period is often not an option. Fortunately, at the Center for Plastic Surgery at Castle Rock, we are able to perform a number of non-surgical and minimally invasive procedures to help you look—and feel—your best.

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Patient Appreciation Week

Join us for our “Patient Appreciation Week,” November 17th-21st.

This week of beauty is to celebrate YOU. Both new and returning patients welcome. If you are interested in exploring innovative ways to help your skin look and feel its very best before the holidays, don’t miss out on these discounts during this special event.

  • 20% off all Obagi products
  • $9/unit Botox® special
  • 20% off injectable fillers
  • 25% off chemical peels

Call today to schedule your appointment for this special week!


Cosmetic Surgery: Fads vs. Truths


There are articles and advertisements online, in print and on television everyday talking about the latest device, product or technique that will get you fast results for cheap. This extends from the most extensive surgeries, like a facelift to smaller treatments like a facial or noninvasive laser. Most of the claims should be taken with at least a grain of salt, but some shortcuts and claims could lead to more serious complications like hospitalization and corrective surgery. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is – exercise caution.

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Aging Gracefully: Tips and Advice for General Maintenance


Patients who come into our office might have one or more procedures in mind, but, in general, they want to look good for their age and slow down the aging process. From keeping skin looking smooth and bright to helping their weight-loss goals by minimizing problem areas and contouring the figure, there are many options available. Every plan starts with a healthy lifestyle, filled with a balanced diet and regular exercise.

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Like It or Not, It’s Good to Be Savvy about Brown Spots


They may be called brown spots, age spots, or liver spots, but one thing is sure: nobody wants them. The Japanese spend a big percentage of their beauty dollars on targeting brown spots, which they call “shimi.” In the United States our demand for brown spot lightening is steadily rising, especially since these discolorations can add many years on to your perceived age.

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