Center for Plastic Surgery at Castlerock
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David Archibald, MD


Paul H. Rhee MD, FACS

Otoplasty & Earlobe Repair

Ear Pinning Surgery

Ear pinning surgery, also known as otoplasty, is a cosmetic ear surgery that changes the shape, position, or size of the ears.

Prominent ears affect approximately 5% of Caucasian children. These large or far-protruding ears may look unnatural and draw unwanted attention. By three to four years of age, children begin to recognize that their ears make them look “different,” and by the time they are six-to ten-years-old, teasing may begin to leave psychological scars. Adults with prominent ears may also be sensitive about their appearance and can suffer from low self-esteem.

The Benefits of Otoplasty

Surgery can be performed at any age once the ears have reached full size, usually around ages five or six. It is often desirable to consider this surgery in children before they start kindergarten or first grade.

This procedure has proven highly effective for improving one’s self-confidence. It works by repositioning the ears so they sit more closely to the sides of the head.

The Otoplasty Procedure

Surgery begins with an incision hidden in the natural fold just behind the ear. Your surgeon then removes the appropriate amount of skin and cartilage to achieve a more natural shape, position, and symmetry of the ear. In some instances, we may not remove any cartilage at all, but instead use permanent stitches to hold the cartilage permanently in place. With either approach, the ear is carefully sculpted for enhanced cosmetic appeal.

Ear surgery typically takes two hours to complete and is usually performed in an outpatient surgical center under twilight or general anesthesia.

After surgery, a soft dressing is applied to the ears, which remains in place for a few days. There is very little discomfort and patients can resume a fairly normal schedule within a week.

Begin with an Ear Surgery Consultation

A change in the shape of the ear will not affect hearing. When it comes to otoplasty, the conventional wisdom is “the earlier the better.” Ear surgery can offer a dramatic boost in confidence and self-esteem. Please give us a call to schedule your otoplasty consultation at the Center for Plastic Surgery at Castle Rock.

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Earlobe Repair & Restoration

At the Center for Plastic Surgery at Castle Rock, whether it’s a tear from a trauma injury or the desire to close the holes that piercings and gauges have left behind, our surgeons’ skilled artistry and years of reconstruction experience give many Colorado residents reason to consider earlobe surgery.

The Benefits of Earlobe Surgery

The human earlobes are frequently subjected to piercings, heavy earrings, stretching and gauging. Over time, people’s career paths change, and extreme body modifications are no longer conducive to their new work environment and culture. This is where earlobe reconstruction and repair can help.

Earlobe surgery can repair:

  • Torn fistulas
  • Severe irritation
  • Disfiguration caused by stretching or genetics

The Earlobe Surgery Procedure

Earlobe surgery is a non-invasive, outpatient procedure, so anyone in good health with stretched or torn earlobes is a likely candidate for this surgery.

The procedure requires that your earlobe be numbed with a local anesthesia while one of our plastic surgeons cuts away any surrounding tissue where the skin has healed around the stretch or tear. The joining of the two sides together with sutures will be performed in an aesthetically appealing appearance to mimic the natural formation of the earlobe. Altogether, your procedure should last only about an hour.

You should be able to resume normal activities within a few days. Proper aftercare is extremely important for the best results. After your lobe has fully healed, you will need to return for the removal of the sutures, and our surgeons will provide further aftercare instructions to minimize scarring. Re-piercing is also an option once your earlobe has healed completely.

Begin with a Consultation for Earlobe Repair

Earlobe surgery addresses the concerns of torn or stretched lobes caused from piercing, trauma, or genetics. Our team of plastic surgeons in Castle Rock will apply their artistry and skill to provide you with exceptional results for whatever your situation. Call today to schedule your consultation for earlobe repair surgery.

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Real Patient Reviews

"I want you to know I really appreciate your involvement in my treatment.  You were an important part of a fantastic team of doctors.  It is obvious to me that not only are you a very good doctor, but a very good person."

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Center for Plastic Surgery

Center for Plastic Surgery